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Welcome to Rochester Music Lab

Rochester Music Lab is an educational space centered on the creation and performance of music. Our goal is to provide an inspiring place people can enjoy and be creative in. Here, we explore all  the many things music can do.

Sign up for 1:1 classes and learn to perform songs you know or write your own using creative writing techniques and music theory. When it comes to recording, you can use our many real world instruments like the drums, guitars, piano, and steel drums or compose with a library of virtual instruments.

Explore using Digital Audio Workstations to record, compose, and edit multi-track sessions, podcasts, and music for film, animation, or video games. Learn about microphone techniques and placement. Experiment with mixing and mastering music for all kinds of media and how to implement audio and effects into games and other types of interactive media. Learn how to create electronic drum beats and use a synthesizer.Our teachers are experienced with Logic Pro, Ableton Live, and Pro Tools - and are ready to share their experience with you!

Join A Drum Circle or Ensemble of up to 8 students and participate in group drum circles and rehearsals. We also offer classes on Adaptive Music, Music History, and Music Mindfulness. ​

Contact us to setup a tour of the space!

Meet Our Teachers:

Rochester Music Lab  |  349 W. Commercial St.  |  Suite 3030 (Third Floor)

East Rochester, NY 14445  |  (585) 750-8509  |

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